Our Mission to fill “23” Begins

Today we opened up our carton of red and green G.O. shoeboxes and folded 23 of them. Setting them out on the floor, we began to fill them with some items which we had already collected. One item that we’re hoping to include in each of the 23 boxes is a pair of shoes! We also decided that each box will have a theme that is uniquely its own. Here is a sneak peek of list of the themes but we won’t tell you all of the box themes just yet!

Fun Theme Park Journal

The handy Theme Park Journal lets you easily record vacation memories and notes with 9 tab dividers and 59 pages. It’s a journal, autograph book and planner all rolled into one! Best of all, the Keepsake Pocket pages hold small souvenirs.

Texting The Message!

Bible verse acronyms that text the Message! Next time you text them, you’ll be reminded of these smart phones and the Bible verses that relates to each. Share them with your kids and friends!