Each year, we use the profits from our Packing Party product sales to fill and cover the shipping cost for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes and this year we made 23!
Shoebox #21 is called His Handyman! and is for a 5-9 year old boy. Inside this construction-themed shoebox gift is a set of colorful building blocks. In addition to his own toothbrush, hair brush, bar soap and washcloth, he will also find paper and a pencil case full of school supplies such as pencils, pens, crayons, colored pencils, eraser, sharpener, scissors and paper clips. A construction-print drawstring backpack keeps the theme going along with a set of small construction vehicles. A warm hat, bracelet and a fishing kit are also inside! When it comes to toys, he will find yo-yo, mini basketball, LEGO set, pom pom ball, mini marbles, card game and Hot Wheels car. Last of all, a stuffed dog will surely bring a smile to his face!
Thanks to everyone who have purchased and continue to purchase our Packing Party products! Together we will change the lives of children all over the world through the amazing power of a simple gift through Operation Christmas Child.
Wanna see more? View all 23 shoeboxes of 2017!