Our Face Mask Journey
Chapter 1: Face Masks for Medics
Welcome to chapter one of MadeCreatively’s face mask story! Let’s set the stage… it is late March and Covid-19 has taken center stage. A medic in Nevada posted online asking folks to sew and send masks to her team who was running low on masks. Having never sewn a face mask before, we quickly acquired a pattern and got to work! Using the “Ford Motor Co. assembly line” mentality, we soon had an efficient system of pinning, cutting, sewing, snipping, tying and ironing. In just a couple of days, we sent out our first shipment of 65 masks to her.
We then had a revelation! Why make masks in prints and colors specifically for girls and others for guys? It would be far more useful for one side to be girly and the other side be manly. This way the medics could grab any mask and both guys and gals would have a side to turn outward! This was a game-changer. When she came back the following week and asked for more, we cranked out another 145 masks (using our new guy/gal reversible method) and sent them off. They were a hit!
But this is just the first chapter in our face mask story! Many exciting moments and milestones are ahead in Chapter 2…