Chapter 2 begins with a small recap of Chapter 1… In March, a Nevada medic needed masks. We sewed and sent 210 fabric face masks. Along the way, our Handmade Reversible Fitted Fabric Face Mask was born!
Our Face Mask Journey
Chapter 2: Milestones, Masks & More
Okay, now that you’re all caught up on chapter 1, let’s continue our story…
It was then suggested that we put a few masks out on our store, so on April 4th we gave it a shot. Mere minutes after the masks became available, we received our first order! And the orders kept coming… and coming… 71 to be exact, in just 5 days – a MadeCreatively record! We were shocked. Suddenly it was “all hands on deck” and we began sewing all day everyday to keep up with orders and also maintain a small inventory of face masks. Deliveries of mailer bags, shipping labels, fabric and yards of our special ties were arriving fast and furious as we tried to keep from running out of supplies. Orders were shipping same-day or the following business day and it seemed as if we were finally getting a grip on things!
Then April 9th happened. A day that will go down in MadeCreatively history as “The Great Sales Tsumani of 2020″. In the span of 24 hours, we were flooded with 50 orders for face masks! We couldn’t believe it! Our small inventory was quickly depleted and we were sewing non-stop. Orders were lined up on every inch of available counter space, in queue to be filled and shipped. Amazingly, every single order shipped on time. Phew! By this time it was Easter weekend and we welcomed a break.
The following Monday, we were back in action and had built up a sizeable inventory of masks to work with. Over the following weeks, a steady stream of orders were coming in from all across the country. Did you know we have a map that marks every city we’ve sold a product to? As you can imagine, hundreds of new cities were added to the board as mask sales continued to grow. Before too long we had passed the 500 mask mark. Then it was 750! By the middle of May, the 1,000 mark was fast approaching when we received our largest mask order thus far. To read that story, you’ll have to turn the page to the next chapter…
Wow, what a crazy chapter! Milestones were set, masks were sent all across the country, but wait – there’s more… Chapter 3 explores a new facet to our face mask story…