This week at church, Vacation Bible School featured a ministry each day and guess which ministry was chosen for Thursday? Operation Christmas Child!

We set up a fabulous-looking information table in the foyer with lots of great information about how to get involved with OCC and of course, displayed our GIANT shoebox! As part of Vacation Bible School, kids brought empty shoeboxes which will be available during National Collection Week for those who need a shoebox to fill. Guess how many empty shoeboxes were collected during the week . . . 208! It took 6 shipping cartons to hold them all!

Also on Thursday, “Operation Christmas Child day”, during craft time the kids assembled over 500 salvation bracelets to put in shoeboxes! Wow. After making a bracelet, the kids gathered in the theater room to watch an OCC video and learn more about where shoeboxes go and the impact they have on a child’s life. They all loved to see the kid’s faces as they opened their shoebox and held up their favorite item! Beasley was spotted on the Audiovisual computer desk in the theater helping test run the video before the first group of kiddos arrived. Check out her new “OCC” red and green outfit!
As a “thank you” to the co-ordinator of VBS for letting OCC be one of the featured ministries, we gave her this cute gift. Inside this adorable red gift sack with glittery green tissue paper was an OCC t-shirt, pen, window decal and shoebox scripture treasures box. She loved it! We can’t wait to see what next year’s VBS will bring . . .